Engine Heat Dissipator – Decreases the AFTERBURNER cooldown.These enemies receive increased damage from all sources Inferno Leader - For the duration of INFERNO LEADER, all enemies within a radius are revealed to allied players.Dual Proton Torpedoes – Fires two proton torpedoes which track the locked target and deal high damage.Laser Barrage – Charges up a rapid fire barrage which deals high damage.The AFTERBURNER can be cancelled after a short time Afterburner – Gives the starfighter a temporary speed boost and breaks enemy missile lock.Custom-built for Inferno Squad, this modified TIE has seen heroic service in the name of the Emperor. Now available as a new Hero Starfighter in multiplayer matches! Iden Versio leads by example from her personal TIE/ln fighter. New Crait map added to the Blast Game Mode! Battle in the mines among the machinery and crystals leftover from the previous occupants. Star Wars Battlefront 2 update 1.1 patch notes Find out how you unlock heroes and check out the latest patch notes. There's also new Star Wars Battlefront 2 star cards and tons of Hero tweaks.